188 research outputs found

    Temporal Multivariate Pattern Analysis (tMVPA): a single trial approach exploring the temporal dynamics of the BOLD signal

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    fMRI provides spatial resolution that is unmatched by non-invasive neuroimaging techniques. Its temporal dynamics however are typically neglected due to the sluggishness of the hemodynamic signal. We present temporal multivariate pattern analysis (tMVPA), a method for investigating the temporal evolution of neural representations in fMRI data, computed on single-trial BOLD time-courses, leveraging both spatial and temporal components of the fMRI signal. We implemented an expanding sliding window approach that allows identifying the time-window of an effect. We demonstrate that tMVPA can successfully detect condition-specific multivariate modulations over time, in the absence of mean BOLD amplitude differences. Using Monte-Carlo simulations and synthetic data, we quantified family-wise error rate (FWER) and statistical power. Both at the group and single-subject levels, FWER was either at or significantly below 5%. We reached the desired power with 18 subjects and 12 trials for the group level, and with 14 trials in the single-subject scenario. We compare the tMVPA statistical evaluation to that of a linear support vector machine (SVM). SVM outperformed tMVPA with large N and trial numbers. Conversely, tMVPA, leveraging on single trials analyses, outperformed SVM in low N and trials and in a single-subject scenario. Recent evidence suggesting that the BOLD signal carries finer-grained temporal information than previously thought, advocates the need for analytical tools, such as tMVPA, tailored to investigate BOLD temporal dynamics. The comparable performance between tMVPA and SVM, a powerful and reliable tool for fMRI, supports the validity of our technique

    A Comparison of Hemodynamic and Neural Responses in Cat Visual Cortex Using Complex Stimuli

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    We compare fMRI-BOLD responses in anesthetized cats with local field potentials (LFPs), aggregate high-frequency responses (analog-Mua) and spiking activity recorded in primary and higher visual cortex of alert animals. The similarity of the activations in these electrophysiological signals to those in the BOLD is quantified by counting recording sites where different stimuli elicit the same relative activation as in the imaging experiments. Using artificial stimuli, a comparison of BOLD and LFP strongly depends on the frequency range used. Stimulating with complex or natural stimuli reduces this frequency dependence and yields a good match of LFP and BOLD. In general, this match is best between 20 and 50 Hz. The measures of high-frequency activity behave qualitatively different: the responses of the analog-Mua match those of the LFP; the spiking activity shows a low concordance with the BOLD signal. This dissociation of BOLD and spiking activity is most prominent upon stimulation with natural stimul

    Recent Advances in High-Resolution MR Application and Its Implications for Neurovascular Coupling Research

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    The current understanding of fMRI, regarding its vascular origins, is based on numerous assumptions and theoretical modeling, but little experimental validation exists to support or challenge these models. The known functional properties of cerebral vasculature are limited mainly to the large pial surface and the small capillary level vessels. However, a significant lack of knowledge exists regarding the cluster of intermediate-sized vessels, mainly the intracortical, connecting these two groups of vessels and where, arguably, key blood flow regulation takes place. In recent years, advances in MR technology and methodology have enabled the probing of the brain, both structurally and functionally, at resolutions and coverage not previously attainable. Functional MRI has been utilized to map functional units down to the levels of cortical columns and lamina. These capabilities open new possibilities for investigating neurovascular coupling and testing hypotheses regarding fundamental cerebral organization. Here, we summarize recent cutting-edge MR applications for studying neurovascular and functional imaging, both in humans as well as in animal models. In light of the described imaging capabilities, we put forward a theory in which a cortical column, an ensemble of neurons involved in a particular neuronal computation is spatially correlated with a specific vascular unit, i.e., a cluster of an emerging principle vein surrounded by a set of diving arteries. If indeed such a correlation between functional (neuronal) and structural (vascular) units exist as a fundamental intrinsic cortical feature, one could conceivably delineate functional domains in cortical areas that are not known or have not been identified

    Editing through multiple bonds: Threonine detection

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    In in vivo H-1 spectroscopy, the signal at 1.32 ppm is usually assigned to lactate. This resonance position is shared with threonine at physiological pH. The similarity of spectral patterns of lactate and threonine renders the separate measurement of either threonine or lactate without and even with editing technically challenging. In this study, the threonine signal was detected using a single-shot multiple-bond editing technique and quantified in vivo in both rat and human brains. A threonine concentration was estimated at 0.8 +/- 0.3 mM (mean +/- SD, n = 6) in the rat brain and at similar to 0.33 mM in the human brain
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